Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3 Read online

Page 9

  “Hey girl, what’s up?” she always sounded so chipper.

  “I’m good. I’m good. Listen, I have something I need to run by you.” She listened as I told her about the sex club, the lap dance and now the older woman he seemed to have some kind of relationship with but didn’t want to share with me.

  “And you want to know what I think?” she asked.

  “Yes, because you know the truth about Liam and I. You know our history.” She took a deep breath and told me that with the things I had told her, she would think he was hiding something from me. She said something probably happened that he was ashamed of at the sex club and he was afraid to tell me.

  “You think he had sex with someone?” I asked.

  “No. No, I don’t. I don’t think that.”

  “Then what do you think?” I asked. “You did hear me when I said it was a sex club, right?”

  “Yes, I heard.”

  “People have sex there. There is lots of sex all around. Sex in the back rooms, sex with couples, sex with groups, peep shows, dancers, waitresses and nothing is off limits. It’s just as much sex as anyone can handle.”

  “Yes, I have a rough knowledge of what a sex club is, Norah.”

  “Ok. And you know his history. You know he bought me from a sex auction. He wanted me to be his sex slave.”

  “I know that too.”

  “So why don’t you think he had sex with someone else?” I asked again.

  “Because I don’t think he did. Norah, he loves you. He loves you more than oxygen. I saw how he was with you at my wedding and how you were together at your own weddings. I think he would sooner cut his arm off his body than lose you again.”

  “Exactly! Exactly!” She made my point for me. “He doesn’t want to lose me. So maybe he did do something really bad and now he thinks if he tells me about it he will lose me.”

  “Well then ask Jane about it. She was there right?”

  “No. No. I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” she asked me.

  “Because she will tell me the truth and if she tells me something that Liam should have told me first, then I think I will lose it!”

  I had to end the phone call with Tiffany because James returned and I really didn’t want to discuss my problems in front of him. But I decided to take her advice and asked Jane to meet me for some shopping since Liam was still at work.

  When she walked up with a young girl with her it surprised me.

  “Norah, this is Josie. Josie this is Norah, Liam’s wife.” We shook hands. She was very cute. Her hair was long and blonde and in a ponytail hanging down her back. She was wearing a summer dress and no bra, which surprised me because it was only about 50 degrees.

  She bounced around like a little cheerleader all day picking out little shorts and tank tops for herself. She bought thongs and little pasty things that would cover her nipples and boots that came up to her thighs.

  The things she picked out were cute and I was sure Liam would have loved to see me in those things too.

  I wanted to say something to Jane but it didn’t seem appropriate with her little friend there. Then she herself started talking about Liam.

  “Wow, Norah, you’re married to Liam. I didn’t know that. By the way he was acting at the club, you wouldn’t know he was married.”

  “Josie!” Jane snapped.

  “Oh sorry, was that wrong?” she looked like a little school girl with her ponytail. I didn’t say anything. “I mean, he didn’t fuck anyone or anything. He was just having a good time.” Jane slapped her shoulder and shook her head at her.

  “What? I’m just trying to tell her that he behaved. He enjoyed the show, he watched us and didn’t do anything.” She shrugged her shoulders and went back to shopping.

  “He is a very good looking man, Norah.” She wasn’t looking at me, she kept pushing and pulling hangers on the rack. “He is very sexy…those eyes and that mouth...” she paused.

  “She knows her husband is sexy, Josie. She doesn’t need to be told by you.”

  “Hey, I’m just wondering how she landed such a good looking man and so rich too.” She was making a funny face at me. “I wonder if he wants a girlfriend and a wife.” She asked no one in particular.

  “Josie that is enough!” We didn’t talk much after that, but she got me thinking. Will had Jane, who was a little older than me, I wasn’t sure by how much, maybe 6 years older than me. I assumed she was Liam’s age. Now, Will had a young girlfriend, younger than me.

  Did Liam want the same? He had me as his wife. The young 24 year old wife. And now he was taking late lunches with a woman that looked like she was in her 40’s. Did he want her too? A young girl and an older more experienced woman?

  I thought I was going to get answers from Jane about what had happened. But instead, Josie had created more questions.

  Chapter Nine


  I have never liked my birthday. My birthday was a day I would like to come and go. I don’t have memories of ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, balloons, or cake and ice cream. I never went out drinking with friends or attended a college party given for it.

  My mother had a stroke and died on my 20th birthday. That particular year I had planned something special. Ever since that day I have aged without a fuss.

  This year I was hoping to break that streak of nothing. I wanted to go away with my wife for the weekend. But Norah hadn’t been herself the last 2 weeks.

  I tried to get her to make plans but she wouldn’t. I tried to get her to tell me what was bothering her, but she wouldn’t.

  She swore she was over the lap dance thing, but ever since her shopping trip with Jane and Josie, she acted as if something else was bothering her.

  We were talking about work, we talked about the gossip going around the house that Sofia might be pregnant again, we ran together, we ate together and we even made love. Things seemed normal again, but I still felt like this was hanging over our heads.

  On the Tuesday before my birthday, I decided to surprise her with a trip. I picked up the phone and booked us at a beach resort in Florida. Tampa to be exact. We could fly over on Friday and have a romantic weekend around a pool, drinking little drinks with umbrellas and she could rub oil on my back on a beach while wearing a very small bikini.

  She could also see her sisters, since they attended college at the University of South Florida. She hadn’t seen them since Christmas break.

  Just as hung up it buzzed again, but it was Macy on intercom.


  “Mr. Hastings, Ms. Whitman is here to see you and she doesn’t have an appointment.” I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. Obviously our meeting 2 weeks ago didn’t sink in with her.

  “Ok, send her in, please.” She walked in wearing another slinky dress, but this time it was green.

  “Samantha, I told you, I’m married now.”

  She sat down and crossed her legs so that her dress fell to the sides and I could see most of her legs all the way up to her thighs.

  “I know that is what you said.” Her voice was sultry as always.

  “I didn’t just say it, Sam. I am married. I got married seven months ago.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Seven months, please,” she stressed the‘pl’ in please. “Try two years, honey.”

  “We were together for a year before we were married. We have been together for almost two years now. Two years in June to be exact.”

  “Liam, being a faithful husband isn’t you. I know you.”

  “You don’t know me. You think you know, but I have changed. You use to know me. But Norah has changed me.”

  “Norah? Her name is Norah? What is she 85 years old? Norah…sounds like my grandmother.” She was trying to be charming but she was coming off rude and jealous.

  “Green isn’t a good color on you, Sam.” I meant it both about her dress and her attitude.

  “Not that it is your business, but she is 24 years old, not 85. And s
he isn’t anyone’s grandmother, she is my wife. You should take that under advisement when speaking about her.”

  I stood up and put my hands in my pockets. “Actually you shouldn’t speak about her. It’s safer that way.” She stood up too.

  “Liam, please don’t try to tell she makes you happy. Please don’t try to convince me that she will be enough for you forever.” I walked around my desk and took her elbow in my hand.

  “Don’t tell me how I feel, alright?” I pulled her close so she knew I was serious. “So what is it Sam? You think you are woman enough to satisfy me? You think being with you will make me happy? I told you I am not interested.” I pulled her behind me as I escorted her out of the building. She kept talking and I decided I could be the bigger person by not defending my wife to this low person.

  “Listen to me and listen to me very carefully,” I said to her. “We ended things years ago and on a good note. We parted ways as friends. Don’t mistake our friendship for anything else. I don’t want to get ugly with you but I will. I have changed in many ways. But one way I haven’t changed is that I still get what I want. I don’t want you and if you want to remain my friend then you will stop coming around here unannounced, bad mouthing my wife, and telling me how unhappy I am going to be.” I shoved her in a cab and leaned down to her level.

  “Are we clear?” I asked her. She nodded. “Good. Now if you would like to get together in the future please call my secretary and schedule it like a person does and do not just show up at my office again.” I slammed the door and tapped the top of the cab.

  I had hoped Samantha had changed. It was nice to see her again at the club and see that she was doing well. But she was still playing games and trying to control me. The Dom/Sub thing was way over. Being a Dominant was something that didn’t interest me anymore, not in the traditional sense. I was happily married. My wife and I made a relationship together that worked for us.

  I didn’t need to defend myself or my decisions to her. She needed to hear that I was no longer available and no longer interested and move on.


  Four days before the surprise party I had spent my time planning for him and again I see him putting the blonde woman in a cab.

  Things were back to normal with us, but I still had a bit of tension in my stomach around him. I was hoping some hot desk sex in his office would finally make all my fears go away. And there she was again. Who was this woman? Did they have a lunch time affair going? Was he ever going to tell me who she was to him? I wanted to ask him. Actually I wanted to rip his hair out, smash his face against the wall, and then ask him.

  But again I decided against it. Liam and I had great fights. We had arguments that lasted days. We were both cocky smartasses who liked to be right. We fought, screamed at each other, then one of us would give in and we would have great sex.

  Our fights were the things people told their grandchildren about. Well maybe not their grandchildren because the making up usually ended with me sucking him off and that was something children shouldn’t hear about.

  I decided to get through the party and then I would bring it up after. I had gone to too much trouble for this party and I wasn’t about to ruin it for a suspicious woman.

  Now I just had to make myself calm down. He wasn’t touching her inappropriately, he didn’t have lipstick on his collar or smell like perfume when he came home. This time it almost looked like he was shoving her in the cab.

  I took my frustration out on the kitchen. I gave Rosa the afternoon off and washed every dish in the cabinets. I took everything off the counter tops and wiped them down. Then I wiped the things from the counter down and put them back. I took everything off the shelves in the pantry and wiped them down too.

  While I was wiping down the food and putting it back I heard him walk in the kitchen.

  “Don’t walk on the floors! I just moped them!” I yelled from the pantry.

  “Norah? What are you doing?” I walked out of the pantry and as far in the kitchen as I could without messing up the floors myself.

  “I’m cleaning the kitchen, what does it look like?” I was panting and out of breath.

  “We pay people for this.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been told.”

  “Another bad day?” he asked.

  “Yes. Another bad day. Listen, I’m going to finish in here and then I will meet you in the gym so we can run.”

  “No dinner?”

  “I feel like running!” I yelled from the pantry again.

  “What if I feel like eating?” he mumbled.

  “What was that?” I yelled for him to repeat himself.

  “Ah, nothing.”

  I put the kitchen back together and went up to change my clothes. I put on my running shorts and a sports bra and went to meet Liam in the gym.

  He was running on the treadmill. He looked hot. Damn hot. He looked sexy. Fucking sexy. Why did he do this to me? Why did he make me hate him one minute and want to throw on the floor and fuck him the next? One minute he could make feel like he wanted to control my every move and the next he was handing me the moon on a silver platter.

  He drove me crazy, mad and insane. But I knew I did the same to him. It was just I was on the receiving end these days and he was on the crazy end.

  I pushed open the door and walked in the room. He looked over his shoulder and glanced at me.

  “I’m on mile five, little one, you’re gonna have to be fast to catch up tonight.” He kept running. I had no interest in running anymore. I turned on the music over the loud speakers in the gym. I played “What goes around comes back around” by Justin Timberlake.

  I slowly removed my shoes and kicked them in the corner. He turned to face me again. I moved my hips to the music.

  I moved in a circle and used the ropes hanging from the ceiling as a pole and spun around. I sang along with the words of the chorus as I removed my shorts revealing my panties. He slowed the treadmill and stepped off.

  I kept dancing like he wasn’t there and took off my bra leaving myself topless, dancing in my underwear. I moved closer to him and rubbed myself against him. I slowly moved away and threw him a towel. He quickly dried off his face but he kept his eyes on me.

  I moved my hips as I slowly pushed my underwear to the floor. I walked seductively to him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him into an aggressive kiss. He tried to put his hands on my butt but I wouldn’t let him.

  I ripped his shirt off and pushed him down on the bench in the corner.

  “Norah, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I like it.”

  “I didn’t say you could speak!” I barked out.

  “Yes Ma’am.” I took his mouth again and licked him from his ear to his shoulder. I made his hands touch my breasts as I pulled him out of his shorts. I stroked his cock a few times then looked back up at him.

  I gestured that I wanted his mouth to replace his hands and he quickly took a nipple in his mouth. I grinded myself against him and held my head back enjoying the feeling of his tongue on my nipples. I straightened up and forced his head to move down my stomach. My whole body came to life and started to relax. He moved back up and I thought he would kiss me but instead he went for my neck.

  “You feel so good, little one,” he breathed in my ear as he kissed and sucked on his special spot.

  “I said,” I swallowed hard, “no talking,” I tried to sound still in control but I knew I didn’t. I ran my hand over his silky, long length and moved it to my entrance.

  “I need you, Liam,” I panted. “I need you right now,” I panted again. I pressed myself down on him so I could feel him in my core.

  “Damn, baby.” He kissed my neck and licked my collar bone. “You have me, Norah.” He breathed in my ear. “You have me. I’m yours.”

  I started to move against him and his hands help guide me. He lifted me up and down, slowly, letting me savor every thrust.

  “That’s it, little one,” he said. “Take what you need,” he sai
d between kissing and sucking on my neck and breasts.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and let my head drop back and just rode him. I rode him like I was a cowgirl in a rodeo.

  I wasn’t thinking about his pleasure or how I looked or being self-conscious. I thought about me and my needs. He was my man. My husband. I needed him. I needed this from him. So I just let it happen.

  I could feel sweat start to trickle down my thighs. My orgasm was building inside me. I leaned back again and connected with Liam. Our eyes found each other and we held each other’s glance for what seemed like forever.

  My whole body tighten and he actually winced. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was too tight for him or it felt too good. We didn’t say anything else. All I could hear was the sound of both us breathing hard and the music in the background.

  When he placed his thumb on my clit on started making circles the silence ended.

  “Oh yes! God yes! That’s it!” I moved faster against him and he circled his thumb in the other direction.

  “I like the demanding side of you, little one. I like it when you take control and take what you need,” he kept moving his finger.

  I shook when I finally came. Ocean waves of pleasure went through my body and I couldn’t control my movement. I put my head on his shoulder and let my orgasm rip through me. He kept moving his hips and his thumb which made my body shake.

  When I finally raised my head to see his face again, my legs felt so weak I thought I would never walk again.

  “It’s your turn,” I panted. He kissed my lips softly.

  “Don’t worry about me, Norah. You needed that for some reason and I was more than happy to oblige you.” He kissed me again.

  “Yes I did,” I panted as I slowly lifted myself off of him. “But I need this too,” I started to lower myself to my knees but instead he started barking orders.

  “No. I don’t want it like that.” I looked up at him. “Go to the wall and put your hands against it.” I did as he said. “Turn around with your back to me.” I did it. “Bend over, and keep your hands on the wall.” I pushed my butt out and laid my flat palms against the wall.