Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3 Read online

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  Liam rode with me to the airport and four people from my office in a van he graciously rented for all of us. Watching Liam ride in a van with his ear being chatted off by Tim was very funny. But he was such a good sport. Liam tried to act like he was interested in whatever Tim was talking about and even managed to refrain from rolling his eyes.

  Tim had had a little crush on Liam from the day he met him. Tim had never officially come out to me and never talked about his dates, but with his man crush on Liam I just assumed he was gay.

  Liam and I had never really discussed his views on gay people. He was very secure in his manhood and sexuality, so I also assumed that gay people, especially gay men did not bother him. Well they didn’t bother him anymore than any other person in the world bothered him. Liam wasn’t a big fan of most people unless they were giving him money, doing what he wanted them to do or performing a sexual act of some kind.

  All of our bags were taken from the curb drop off and Liam held my hands as they wheeled them away.

  “It’s going to be fine, Liam. Would you please calm down?” I said to him. “John and Winston are both with me. John is going to DJ and Winston is going to be the flower girl. I’m going to be fine. Winston looks great in the little pink dress by the way.” My attempt to make him smile didn’t work. “Your nerves are making me nervous.”

  “I wish you would reconsider and take my plane. I can accommodate your entire team and all of the things you’re taking with you. It would be safer.”

  “Stop worrying, I’m going to be fine.”

  “Let me walk you to the gate at least. This isn’t saying goodbye. I feel like an animal standing here on the sidewalk,” he was holding me so tight.

  “You are an animal, sidewalk or not.” He started to say something but I stopped him. “I will call you as soon as I get to the hotel,” he interrupted me.

  “Call me as soon as you land,” he demanded.

  “Ok, I will call when I land, I will call from the hotel, and I will call before I go to bed, when I wake up, when I take a break, just before the wedding starts and as soon as it is over. I will call you every chance I get, alright? You just better be available when I call.” I pushed against his chest and he pulled me to him and gave me a long slow kiss.

  “You’re joking, little one, but I really do want you to call me that much. I love you, Norah.” I told him I loved him too and walked away. He let go of my hand only when he had to.

  “Go to work!” I shouted just before the doors closed behind me.

  We arrived just before lunch but when I tried to call Liam from the airport he didn’t answer. His voice mail picked up. I assumed he was at lunch and had left his phone on his desk or was in a meeting and couldn’t answer. So I left a very cute and sarcastic message and went on my way.

  I had to ask Tim to change rooms with John so his room could connect with mine. I unpacked a few things and tried Liam again, but again got no answer. I didn’t leave a message this time. For someone that wanted me to call him a lot, he didn’t act like he really wanted to talk to me.

  We went to the venue and started setting up. Things moved very fast. My team worked well together.

  After four hours we had preparation done for the day with just the usual things left for the event day.

  We all stood around and admired our work of hanging silk drapes, flower vines and candle lighting lamps. We took in the beautiful white lattice archway covered in flowers and the gorgeous balcony where she would descend.

  It was then that we all realized we had skipped lunch.

  “Is anyone else hungry?” I asked. “I think I ate some crackers on the plane, but that was hours ago. We have a few hours before the rehearsal, let’s go eat.”

  We went to a local restaurant and stuffed ourselves with the best bread and pasta I had ever eaten in my life.

  When we got back to the hotel I had two messages from Liam on my cell phone explaining he had been in meetings all afternoon and was sorry he had missed my calls. I tried to call him again, and this time he picked up.

  “Norah, I’m sorry I missed you earlier, I have been listening to men in suits tell me how to spend my money all day.”

  “When I want to spend your money I usually don’t tell you, I just do it, and give you the bill,” I laughed. “It works out better that way for all of us.” I laughed again. “Are you still at work?” I asked.

  “Yes, my last meeting was the longest and the most boring I might add. They want me to purchase a paper company. They make paper.” He laughed a little. “Anyway, I had a few emails to answer and then I am going home. What about you? Are you done for the day too?”

  “No. I am just freshing up so I can go back for the rehearsal ceremony. Do you want to me to call you when I get back tonight?” I asked.

  “Yes, I really do. But honestly, I think I am going straight to bed when I get home. I love you, sweetheart.”

  “Good night and I love you too. I will call you in the morning before I head over to the venue.” Liam usually called me ‘little one’. He had called me ‘little one’ since the day he met me. It used to make my skin crawl, but now it was part of me. When he called me ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’ it always sounded weird to me.


  After my call with Norah, I tried to answer one more email when Will came in my office.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow morning around 10 am, are you sure you can’t come?” He was still asking about the sex club.

  “Will, I told you, I have a meeting tomorrow and besides, I’m married, remember?”

  “Yes, but you aren’t dead. You don’t have to do anything. You can just observe,” he laughed as he walked around my office. “Surely Norah can’t get upset for you just looking right? I mean, what if something just happens to walk into your field of vision?” He sat down and unbuttoned his jacket.

  “Field of vision? That is what you want me to tell my wife about going to a sex club. I wasn’t there watching the strippers or sex performers, they just walked into my field of vision.” I exhaled. “I don’t think that will work.”

  “Well, the invitation is open, big guy, you know where I live!” He made his fingers look like guns and shot them at me.

  I shook my head and went to my email. I finished up my work and gathered a few things I was taking home. I closed the door to my office and saw Marcy still sitting at her desk.

  “Marcy, I told you could leave hours ago, it’s after 8pm, why are you still here?” She stood up and turned off her desk lamp.

  “I had a few things to finish up too. Oh, by the way, the meeting for tomorrow with the Millers has been canceled again.”

  “It has? Why?”

  “I don’t really know, something about a bad reaction to Botox, I think.”

  “Damn. I could have gone with Norah. I knew I should have just gone with her, and canceled the meeting myself.” Marcy was just listening to me, but I wasn’t really talking to her. I was just talking out loud. “Who wants to meet on a Saturday anyway? That isn’t how you do business. I mean, maybe for a third or fourth meeting, but not the first one.” I ran my hands through my hair, and then knocked my knuckles against the desk. “Ok, thanks. Now go home, please.”

  I made sure Marcy got to her car safely and then had Trig take me home. I ran for an hour in my gym, did some more work in the study, and then went to bed around 1am. So much for going to bed as soon as I got home. I thought about calling Norah but I didn’t want to wake her before her big day.

  The next morning I woke up seeing I had missed another call from her. I immediately tried to call her back but didn’t get her. Then I listened to her message and she said she was at the venue finishing up some things and wouldn’t be able to talk until it was over.

  I went down stairs and got on the computer. I ordered flowers for Norah and had them sent to the venue with a special card.

  I wanted to make sure she knew I was thinking of her and supporting all her efforts. Then I paced the dini
ng room instead of eating my breakfast.

  I couldn’t get Will’s offer out of my head. He was right, I didn’t have to do anything. I could just watch and enjoy the scenery.

  Watching what was going on wasn’t being unfaithful to Norah. I was sure she wouldn’t like it, as any wife wouldn’t be very happy about their husband going to a strip club. But it wasn’t being unfaithful. I wasn’t breaking any of my vows.

  By the time I had talked myself into going I had barely enough time to pack a few things and have Trig drive me over to Will’s house.

  Will was putting his suitcases in the back of his car when I pulled up. He started laughing and shaking his head.

  “This is going to be fun, Liam! I promise. We won’t pressure you to do anything, but I want you to sit back and enjoy the show, my man!” He patted me on the back and threw my suitcase in the trunk.

  “I knew you couldn’t stay at home alone all weekend,” I gave him a concerned look. “Don’t worry, my friend, Norah might not like it, but remember, you’re the man. You run the show.” He gave me a wink and we got in the car.

  Will had booked our rooms in a beautiful resort hotel in West Midland. We had lunch by the pool and while I filled my stomach with a delicious salad and sandwich with strawberries and avocado, my eyes were filled with visions of glamorous women in very skimpy bathing suits. Just sitting there taking in the view, I knew this was going to be a good trip.

  The weather was unseasonably warm for March. It had felt like summer for the past two days and the weatherman predicted this weather would last for the next three days. Then of course it would go back to the rain and cold we were all use to. Global warming had messed up the weather most of the time, but this weekend I was thanking the environmental Gods.

  I was approached by a tall blonde woman in a black swimsuit who had seen me in a tabloid a few years ago when I was dating Crystal Klum, an Australian model. She was probably the most high profile woman I had ever dated. She had been on the cover of ‘Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit edition’ twice and in ‘Playboy’ several times as well. Everywhere we went our pictures were taken.

  This girl by the pool, Linda, was her name, was also a model and thought she could get more exposure if we were seen together. I told her I was married 3 times, but she didn’t leave the table. I finally excused myself and she again offered herself to me for the night. I politely declined.

  I went back to my room and took a long nap before a workout and dinner. During dinner I saw a couple sitting together and it made me think of Norah. I looked at my watch and knew her wedding should have ended hours ago and wondered why she hadn’t called me. I took a walk around the pool. I missed her so much, I decided not to go to the club and just head home instead.

  I hit a few buttons on my phone just so I could hear her voice again. She answered, but then I heard her drop the phone and start to giggle. I heard her voice and other voices laughing.

  “Someone hand me my phone please,” I heard her laugh. I heard more shuffling and muffled sounds. “Whose hand is this?” she laughed again. “Whose phone is this? It isn’t mine. Where did my phone go?”

  What the hell was going on? Were they wrestling? Were they playing in a jungle gym or bounce house? I kept hearing different voices and noises.

  “I think I found your phone, Norah.” I heard a male voice yell. “I’ll give it to you if you give me a kiss.” I hung up.

  Whatever was happening she wasn’t thinking about me. It took some deep breathes and told myself not to slam the phone against the cement like I wanted to. Who the fuck wanted her to kiss them? I couldn’t believe my ears.

  I trusted Norah but she wasn’t the smartest when it came to her safety. I wasn’t concerned she would actually kiss whoever wanted her to kiss them, but I was concerned about who would ask her. She trusts and believes in the wrong people. I knew this, because she once trusted and believed in me when she shouldn’t have.

  Hearing her laugh in a group of people reminded me of how young my wife was. She was at the age of going out, having fun with friends, drinking and experimenting new things. She was young and beautiful and too sexy for her own good. All of these things were part of the reasons I had fallen in love with her. But it was her risk taking that worried me.

  When she had time from her activities she could call me and I might be able to talk to her or I might be in the middle of a lap dance. She had her loose interpretation of my meaning of keeping herself safe, and I had my loose interpretation of my wedding vows.

  I had a few drinks before we left for the club. I had few more drinks on the drive to the club. By the time we made it to the club I was feeling very good and ready to have a good time. I took a seat on a velvet couch and watched a few women dancing on the main stage. Will and Jane ran off to watch a peep show in one of the back rooms. It was still early and things were just getting started.

  I ordered another drink from a very sexy waitress, made myself comfortable and watched two women together on the couch next to me. There were two women dancing on the stage wearing very little, two women pleasuring each other on the couch next to me, and a very sexy waitress bringing me drinks. I was in a good place…in my head anyway.

  I was on my third drink and enjoying watching my waitress walk back and forth from the little table in front of me to the bar, when Will and Jane joined me again. Will sat beside me on the same couch, Jane sat on a couch to our right with a very cute young girl sitting with her.

  “Liam, this is Josie, Josie this is Liam,” I leaned forward and we shook hands. She had long blonde hair, golden skin and a petite little body. She was wearing a short red halter dress with sequins all over it and matching red pumps. She and Jane were giggling like school girls and making eyes at Will and me.

  I leaned over to Will and spoke in his ear.

  “I hope little Josie here isn’t for me, my friend. I told you, I am just watching.” I leaned back and took a sip from my drink.

  “Calm down. I told you no pressure. Josie gave me a blow job in one of the back rooms, and let me tell you, she has a sweet little mouth,” he was now leaning into my ear. “You can try her out if you want? She told me she loves sucking big dicks. I told her yours was bigger than mine,” he gestured to her and she smiled at me. I laughed and stirred my drink with my finger. I glared at Will.

  “What did I just say?” I took another sip from my drink.

  “What?” Will tried to look innocent. “Blow jobs count as cheating?” he shrugged his shoulders. “Since when do blow jobs count as cheating? It isn’t like you’re coming inside her or kissing her mouth. I can see why she would get upset about that. But come on, what’s wrong with a little blow job?” Will was trying to be funny. He knew damn well what was wrong with a blow job. I crossed my ankle over my knee, slouched back on the couch and just smiled.

  Will gestured to my waitress and she brought over more drinks and he touched her hand when she sat his drink on the table in front of him.

  “Will, this is my waitress…my very sexy waitress,” I scooted up closer and put some cash on her tray.

  “Kimberly,” she replied.

  “Kimberly,” I repeated and nodded my head over to Will.

  “Well Miss Kimberly, I think it is time for a break, don’t you?” Will took her hand and moved on the couch so she was sitting between him and me.

  “My friend here, Liam, really likes brunettes, Kimberly. Do you think you can give him a little dance?” I smiled but didn’t say a word. I leaned forward and placed my empty glass on the table and picked up the fresh one. When I leaned back on the couch, she stood up and faced me. I gave Will yet another ‘what the fuck’ look. He shrugged his shoulders at me again.

  “What? Now you can’t have a little dance? Come on, all the fun out here in the open is G rated fun, my friend. If you start to go to one of the private rooms, I’ll stop you.”

  She parted my legs and moved seductively between them. I drank half my drink down. I was feeling very good but I
wanted to feel better.

  Kimberly was very curvy, wearing a short leather corset that exposed her stomach but pushed her breasts up so they spilled over the top, beautifully. Her shorts accented her hips perfectly and were low cut enough so I could see her belly button ring.

  She moved her hips back and forth running her hands over her body. I just leaned back and watched her work. It was a glorious sight. She kept her clothes on which was safer for both of us because the way she was moving against my lap and body, it would have been very easy to open my pants and let her ride me.

  At first I didn’t move my hands. I kept my drink in my left hand and my right arm rested on the back of the couch behind Will. She did all the work. I drank the rest of my drink and handed the empty glass to Will while I enjoyed the view.

  Even though I knew this was wrong, I didn’t think this was wrong. I had a woman on my lap, I didn’t remember anything in my vows about women being on my lap. I remembered things like ‘in sickness and in health’ and promising to love and honor Norah all the days of my life. But nothing about lap dances.

  Will handed me another drink which I gladly accepted and the music changed. The lights went down and everything went back black. Techno music started and strobe lights started flashing everywhere.

  I looked up at Kimberly moving against me and she wasn’t Kimberly anymore. She was Norah. I blinked trying to make Norah go away but she didn’t. I put my free hand on her hip and leaned forward to place my glass on the table after drinking half of it down. When I leaned back Norah was gone because my vision was blurry.

  My lips touched her stomach and couldn’t take my mouth away. I moved my lips back and forth over her stomach and put my other hand on her behind.

  The lights were flashing, the music was loud, she was grinding against me and I was completely drunk. She even smelt like Norah, her skin felt like Norah’s against my lips, and I was completely drunk. So when she went for my zipper I didn’t stop her. I ran lips up her body and kissed the tops of her plump, beautiful breasts. Plump breasts that I knew in my heart my wife did not have. Norah’s breasts were beautiful but not plump. This was not my wife. That statement kept echoing in my head.